Monday, January 16, 2012

12 x 12 in 12

It's official! I've signed up to for the 12 x 12 in 2012 Challenge hosted by Julie Hedlund!

What is this challenge all about?
The premise is simple. Write 12 full picture books (with a beginning, middle, and end) in 2012. It's ok if they're not submission ready. The idea is just to put pen to page, while motivating yourself and other writers in the process.  You can even earn prizes!! How about that?

I know, I know -- writing 12 full length picture books sounds like a daunting task, but as long as you have the intention of completing them, it's worthwhile to sign up!  I have heard of so many writers' success stories from their PiBoIdMo ideas, including its founder, Tara Lazar.

So far I have have completed one story in 2012 for the 12x12in12 Challenge, and two from the PiBoIdMo 2011 Challenge.  Who knows? Maybe one of them may be my next published story...

Good luck to everyone, whatever your 2012 endeavors might be.  Enjoy the process!

Progress Report 3/12/12 -- 3 down 9 to go!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The joy of REAL books

One of my writer's group friends shared a wonderful video with me the other day called 'The Joy of Books'. Ahhh -- Nothing can compare to the feel of a real book in your hands, the gentle flipping of its pages, the cozy paper smell in your nose...

This is especially true with children's books and their gorgeous illustrations. I can still recall my own childhood days and how I envisioned the books in the bookstore coming alive, much like the ones featured in the video below. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How will you say 2012?

Happy New Years! It's 2012!

Like the old saying goes, "You say tomayto, I say tomahto." Some will call it Two-Thousand-Twelve, some will call it Twenty-Twelve.

Personally, from the years 2000-2011, I referred to the years by their long names.  Two Thousand, Two Thousand-one, etc.  But, a very wise friend, who also happens to be my brother-in-law, pointed out to me that historically this is not how we have referred to the years.  1900 is not referred to as One Thousand-Nine Hundred, but rather Nineteen-Hundred.  It makes sense to me!

So, in 2012, I'm gonna try changing it up, and see if it sticks.  I will refer to the year as Twenty-Twelve, instead of Two-thousand-twelve. 

How will you refer to the new year?  

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodreads Challenge 2011 -- Completed! Onward 2012!

Happy New Years!  I am so excited to announce I completed the Goodreads Reading Challenge 2011.  I finished with 47 books total.  I entered the challenge late -- in May, as I wasn't aware the challenge even existed.  So, I am hoping to read EVEN MORE in 2012! I am setting my goal with Goodreads as a conservative one to start, at 60 books, but hopefully I can increase it later in the year.  (On my blog, I have challenged myself to read 75 children's, middle grade or YA books here. Yikes! Wish me luck!)

I truly believe reading, reading, and more reading has helped me become a better writer. Truth be told, reading good books inspired me to write in the first place. And, an added bonus -- It feeds my soul.  Here's to 2012, a year full of delightful reads!

How about you? Did you complete a Reading Challenge in 2011? How about 2012? It's a new year, the perfect time to embark in new endeavors.  Cheers everyone!